School of Family Life, Brigham Young University Looking to fill two full-time faculty positions. Please contact Dr. Loren Marks at or ph. 801-422-0370
Author: SSEA
The Marriage Paradox
Why Emerging Adults Love Marriage Yet Push it Aside
San Francisco State University
San Francisco State University, Department of Psychology offers an exciting opportunity for a tenure-track Assistant Professor position in Psychology beginning August 7, 2024. We seek a colleague who excels in both teaching and research. Ideal candidates will be prepared to teach assigned undergraduate courses in research methods, scientific writing, or basic psychological processes (e.g., motivation, learning, data science, cognition). Ideal candidates will also be prepared to teach graduate courses in their area of expertise and maintain an active research program that advances knowledge in any subfield of psychology. We are especially interested in qualified candidates with a demonstrated commitment —[…]
Anti-Racism and Social Justice
The objective of this topic network is to aid membership in taking an active role in utilizing pedagogy that reflects the changing diversity of students accessing higher education (i.e., best practices for creating inclusivity in the classroom through mindful teaching methods, course materials, and mentorship approaches).
Emerging Scholars
The Emerging Scholar Topic Network aims to bring together resources for career advice, to create networking opportunities, and to establish collaborations to strengthen international research on emerging adulthood. This site serves as a home for a number of resources available to network members. These include webinar recordings, career development tools and advice, and a place to find research collaborators or share your research skills with potential collaborators.
Finance Topic Network
The Finance Topic Network (FTN) includes researchers from around the world who are interested in emerging adults’ financial situations, financial well-being, financial socialization, and transitions to financial independence.
Health Promotion
The Health Promotion Topic Network studies ways that emerging adults can better implement wellness lifestyles during this stage of development. We also look for ways that these healthy lifestyles can be promoted through education.
Identity Topic Network
The Identity Topic Network aims to broadly understand what it means to search and consolidate our senses of who we are, where we are going in life, and where we stand in relation to the broader social-cultural-historical milieu.
Latin America
We recently relaunched the Latin America Topic Network! If you are working with Latin American Emerging Adults (EAs), are from a Latin American country interested in working on EA, or if you are working with Spanish or Portuguese speaking populations, you are welcome to join us. We aim to work in English, Spanish, and Portuguese.