The Prevention and Intervention Topic Network wants to provide a community and support for scholars and practitioners interested in prevention of mental health disorders and intervention topics among emerging adults.
Category: Topic Networks
The Psychotherapy TN is a forum dedicated to aspects of the clinical practice (psychotherapy) for emerging adults (or their families). We wish to create a discussion about the theory and practice of Psychotherapy and consultation with emerging adults and their families. The TN will provide an opportunity to share information, views, and therapeutic experience among the members and develop new ideas on psychotherapy for emerging adults and their families. In addition, we, the TN, will assist in collaboration on projects, research, and dissemination that improves clinical outcomes while establishing bridges and synchrony between SSEA-rich research on EA and clinical practice.
Religion and Spirituality
Romantic Relationships
The Romantic Relationships Topic Network is devoted to understanding emerging adults’ relationship formation, maintenance, and dissolutions as well as processes, outcomes, and successes. This topic network celebrates the platonic, romantic, and sexual aspects that intertwine with relationship development highlighting the bright and dark sides. We welcome participation around the diversity of relationship partnerships and invite the inclusion of relationship types and orientations, casual and committed, as well as monogamous and ethically non-monogamous. This topic network is invested in relationship education and intervention that promotes emerging adults’ individual and relational well-being (e.g., effective communication, mental health, problem solving, relationship satisfaction, violence[…]
Student Affairs
The Student Affairs topic network provides a community for scholars, researchers, and practitioners of student affairs. We look forward to connecting with you to support professional interests and explore potential opportunities for collaboration.
Study Abroad
The Study Abroad Topic Network focuses on well-being amongst emerging adults living outside of their home country. We presently have been busy discussing common research themes amongst members from USA, Australia, and Mexico. We developed our first common research experience. We would like to expand the network to other countries’ experiences and collaborations.
Substance Use and Abuse
Work and Career
The Work and Career topic network is focused on work and career development in its broad sense, encompassing emerging adults’ transition to and engagement in educational and occupational roles, along with the connections between these roles and other aspects of life. This focus includes emerging adults who have entered the workforce and those who have not yet entered the workforce.